Smart Guide
“Smart Guide”, a portable electronic device of multiple functions for visually impaired people, produced by blind and visually impaired workers at the Production Units of the Lighthouse for the Blind of Greece (and especially the Metal Processing Unit).
Read more information in the detailed description below.
In fact, the Smart Guide is a navigation device based on the use of sensors of ultrasounds, conceived and designed by the blind Manager of the Lighthouse for the Blind of Greece, Mr Karkoulias. One of its main functions is the detection of obstacles and gaps around, in a distance of 0,10 m – 4,00 m from the person using it and the relevant information through a specific sound or vibration signal. It also senses the light and the level of it (how bright or dark it is), as well as indicates whether the pilots of devices are on or off or the level of liquids in vessels, if connected with external sensors.
It is a unique greek product, of high quality, significantly cheaper than competitive products of its item abroad, majorly contributing to the enhancement of independence, regarding the mobility, as well as the social and professional life of the visually impaired ones in general. Of course the device’s substance is supplementary to the white cane’s.
In 2015 the Smart Guide was nominated as one of the three winners-business plans of the year that shared interest-free prize funding by the Hellenic Entrepreneurship Award, something that helped in the development of this innovative product.
There are after-sales services offered.